Monday, October 28, 2013

Untitled by K. Rose

I find inspiration among distant faces

Each one solidifies a part of history that no one can explain

Viewed with disdain are the various shades of lip stains permanently etched

Each story different and with recognition each lie can become exposed

Dig deep and you shall find the diamond in the coal mine

True beauty with the glimpse of the sun rising in the horizon

Forgotten cultures intermingled within one

Creating an undeniable pact with unreliable facts

Untraceable celebrations and unthinkable recreations

History runs like an unrelenting waterfall with stories that are untold

Aspirations of acceptance and true love for mankind still exists in the souls of dreamers

Being instead of seeking what is heartfelt and true

The mirror reflects what was always seen

Beauty is not only true for ourselves but for everyone else

Beauty and true can be found among distant faces

Skin tones ranging from dawn to midnight

Each one singing a different tone each tune creating a melody

The reality of creation cannot be denied or misidentified

Windows of the soul exposed validating what we all share

What we all love, things we fear, varying textures of the same grade of hair

Diversity should be celebrated and appreciated

There is inspiration among distant faces

Each one solidifying a part of history that no one can explain

~Kendra S. Rose, student

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